A Weekly Menu Plan of Quick Meals

Another week and time for another menu plan!
All of these suppers can be made in half an hour or less of simple cooking – apart from Monday when the chicken probably takes about 40 minutes, but all that needs to be done is to put it in the oven and wait for it to cook, so not too stressful!

I’ve posted this today to link up with Mrs M’s Meal Planning Monday (a great site that gives you lots of ideas for your weeks meals if you need inspiration) but I have to admit that I usually go for a Menu planning Friday – so I can get all the shopping delivered over the weekend and perhaps do some preparation ahead on Sunday to make the weekday nights a little quicker.

Sunday – Prepare ahead (if you have the time)

Homemade pizza bases

  • Make pizza dough according to the recipe
  • Divide dough into four individual pizza bases and roll / stretch into shape
  • Par-bake the bases – cook at top of oven for 3 minutes at 220ºC
  • Cool – layer between sheets of baking paper or tinfoil – wrap well and freeze

Chicken in Ginger and Lime

  • Marinade whole chicken breasts the night before in the lime juice, soy sauce, garlic and ginger and store in fridge. Add 2 more than needed for Monday nights supper to reserve for the stir-fry on Tuesday

and maybe…Lemon Shortbread – half can be frozen for Friday.

Have a good week!

Mrs M's Meal Planning Monday

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