It’s the week of Live Below the Line
People all over the country are living off £1 a day for five days this week in order to raise awareness of the millions of people worldwide who live in extreme poverty – and have to subsist on £1 a day.
Imagine it – One Pound a Day. For Everything. 365 days of the year.
I took up the challenge last year but, for various reasons, won’t be this year.
But I felt we should do something to try and show support of all those others who are participating I thought that I would put together the cheapest menu I could devise that I hope the family will like! In a family of dyed-in-the-wool hungry carnivores if I feed them too many pulses or vegetarian dishes they start to mutter so I’ll probably get some comments before the end of the week!
From my calculations (mostly Sainsburys from mysupermarket) you could make these five weekday meals for around £15. I’ve linked to the source recipe, but I have tweaked them to make them a little cheaper. Several of them are new recipes for us to so I’m not sure how the amounts go and whether I’ve budgeted for enough – I’ll let you know next week!
And Good Luck to all those who are living below the line this week!