I’ve been meaning to make these peaches for a couple of weeks now, but somehow not quite managing to.
Which is a shame as it’s a really quick simple recipe which everyone loves – even my children who aren’t great fruit eaters.
It is a really really quick recipe which is a good way of serving those hard ‘ripen-at-home’ peaches that never seem to quite make it to delicious juicy peachy loveliness however long you sit them on the window sill!
And if I write any morer I’m in danger of talking for longer than it takes to make, so…
Peaches in Raspberry Sauce
- 4 peaches – halved with stone removed
- 1/2 tub Greek yoghurt with honey (I used Rachels)
- Approximately 2 tablespoons of soft brown sugar
- 150 – 200g raspberries (I often use frozen raspberries
Wash, halve and stone the peaches.
Dip the cut half of the peaches into the sugar
Arrange in a roasting tray
Mash the raspberries into the yoghurt and add about a tablespoon of soft brown sugar to taste
Just before you want to eat grill the peaches under a medium grilll for about 5 minutes until soft and the sugar is bubbling on top
- Enjoy!