Spring is springing and we’ve spent the first week of the holidays down in Cornwall getting away from it all (including meal planning).
Sadly it’s back to the grind-stone for my husband and sons – one to work and the others to start revising for various exams (we live in hope!). Me? – well I am still off work – definitely getting better but still a bit slow. So I’m going for easy meals. Simple meals that either come together quickly or require very little preparation and then will sit by themselves baking in the oven.
One of my favorite ways to save time in the kitchen is to plan for leftovers – easy recipes that you cook double quantities of one night and serve it up looking a little different the following day (I call them Two-for-One recipes). It makes getting supper on the table a little easier the second night when most of the work is done, so I’ve got some old recipes and some new ones to try as well this week. I’ll tell you about the successes!
So here is our weeks menu plan –