“Why are the British always talking about the weather?” an Austrian friend once asked me.
It could be she’s right, but – THREE days of sunshine – over a Bank Holiday weekend is GREAT when you remember all those interminable weeks of rain at the beginning of the year!
So today is more of a relax-in-the-sun day rather than a menu-planning day. Fortunately I got ahead of myself and in a burst of efficiency did the planning and cooking at the end of last week!
I’m sure you will have read about Once a Month Cooking – those highly organised cooks who take a day or two a month to do their shopping and cooking and stock their freezers with meals for several weeks.
It’s a practice I’ld like to follow but I just couldn’t manage to take a whole day ‘out’ for this. But an hour or so once a week to prepare the weeks meals, is a much more manageable prospect.
So this week I have cooked and frozen double quantities of Roast Tomato and Red Pepper soup which I hope will form the basis of our first two meals this week. I have also prepared and frozen double quantities of Chicken in Black Pepper – diced chicken mixed with black pepper and spices – to use for the last two meals in the week. Start to finish it probably took me a little over an hour but only about half of that was actual preparation, the rest was waiting for things to cook (the tomatoes took about 50 minutes to roast).
Hopefully putting together the evening meals will be quicker and easier as a result.
Both of these ‘base’ recipes are tried and trusted and I’ll post later in the week.
Let’s hope this weeks plan works out!
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