This recipe has got me out of trouble on many an occasion.
For instance – the time my parents turned up for tea and I realized as they walked in the door that the children had eaten the cake I’d baked so carefully the day before (aaagh!)
Or – all those occasions when more hungry children arrived home from school than I expected.
Or – even the evening I got home late from work with my lovely friends due to come round to supper any moment, and realised that I’d forgotten to get anything for pudding (oops).
So if you ever have those sort of moments (and I’m guessing you do) then this recipe is just what you need.
Follow these instructions, and you’ll have lovely, fruity, chewy flapjacks in 10 minutes (although you will have to let them cool enough to be able to eat them). AND, you probably have all the ingredients in your store cupboard.
I must admit that I’m not a great fan of micro-wave cooking, although I have been experimenting a bit more recently. Of course, if you have more time you may prefer to bake them, but they do work really well in the microwave – and it is so quick!
Over the years we’ve done extensive research into the exact amount of golden syrup that they should contain. The aim was to squeeze in as much as possible but end up with a flapjack that retains its shape and doesn’t need eating with a spoon. My children prefer the spoonable type, but even this version has enough syrup for the sweetest tooth. If there’s any possibility of feeling guilty about the amount of sugar and syrup they contain, I counter it by stuffing them with dried fruit (- works for me!)
Ten Minute Flapjacks
(Makes 8)
- 100g golden syrup (4 tablespoons)
- 85g butter
- 85g light brown soft sugar
- 170g jumbo rolled oats
- 115g dried fruit (apricots, cherries, raisins – large pieces cut small)
- Put the golden syrup, butter and sugar into a microwaveable bowl and microwave on high for 1-2 minutes until melted. Stir.
- Add oats and dried fruit to the syrup mixture, and mix well.
- Spoon into a microwavable flan dish (I used one about 18cm in diameter), spread out and flatten down with the back of the spoon.
- Microwave on high (900w) for 4 minutes.
- Allow to cool for about 15 minutes (the mixture is really hot when it first comes out of the microwave so let it cool for a bit before tasting).
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