Crunch time – and a menu plan

Decision time is finally here.

My supply of freezer meals is dwindling and it’s time to decide whether or not I’m going to have another go at Once a Month Cooking.

And the decision is….(if this was one of those reality TV shows there would be a long pause or a drum roll here – there isn’t really a blogging equivalent…)….

…Yes! I’m going to have another go at cooking for a month in a day.

You may wonder why, as I wasn’t exactly singing the praises of the whole experience after my last attempt. But the advantages do seem pretty clear.

Less waste.
Less trips to the shops.
Less stress of an evening.
And it is SO much easier to stick to our meal plan. In the ‘old’ days I would quite frequently go to the fridge to make whatever was on the plan for that evening, only to find that someone (?) had eaten the vital ingredient – that doesn’t happen with a freezer!

So next week I’ll give it another go. I’m still not completely sold – the time commitment is quite significant. Hopefully this time will be easier and I’ll be more efficient. Perhaps I’ll try to include some breakfasts, lunches and snacks too. If you have any good ideas for freezer meals – especially for lunches and breakfasts please let me know!

Last week was null and void with respect to meal planning as our kitchen was being painted and all cooking was out of action, but this week’s menu is:

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