Buttered Leeks

What can you do with a glut of leeks? And, no, I don’t mean all the leeks that I’ve been growing in my non-existent vegetable patch – I mean all the leeks I’ve had delivered to my door having mistakenly ordered 6 bags of leeks with the internet shopping rather than just 6 leeks! (how many times am I going to do this before I finally learn?!) What can you do with 18 leeks?!? I thought that 6 was quite enough.

So – as you can imagine – we have been eating leeks all week: leek and bacon pasta (a combination of leeks, chopped bacon, cream cheese and peas – not a big success with my family), shepherds pie (with leeks), but possibly my favourite is just plain old Buttered Leeks – delicious!

Now – what should I do with the other 10?!

Buttered Leeks

Serves 4
Fridge to Table Time: 25 mins


  • 4 leeks – white parts sliced and washed
  • 2 oz butter
  • 2 sprigs fresh thyme
  • salt and pepper


  1. Melt butter over a medium heat in a thick bottomed frying pan
  2. Add sliced leeks and stir gently until leeks all covered in butter
  3. Add thyme if using, cover pan, turn heat down low and leave to cook gently for 15 mins until soft
  4. Remove thyme and serve.
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